Significant Figures is a high-energy game-show style event featuring a mystery guest scientist and three panelists whose job is to help the scientist reveal their specialty and amusing anecdotes from their personal lives. Be online for the Facebook live or YouTube live recording and recording during National Science Week, or listen later at STEMpunk podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. “Significant Figures is more like a game or variety show than a science panel, as we try to figure out what the mystery scientist does in and out of the lab,” says Tom Gordon, Significant Figures host and STEMpunk producer. Three panelists will use questions and challenges to elicit juicy details from the guest work and life. Each episode will showcase some local scientists from Sydney and regional NSW “From puns and jargon to hobbies and heroes, Significant Figures is a great event for young and young at heart who like a bit of science with their entertainment,” says Tom. Tickets fo the Significant Figures online events are available here: Significant Figures 1 - Sydney theme, 14 August, 2:30pm-3:30pm
Significant Figures 2 - Wagga Wagga theme, 17 August, 7:00pm-8pm
Significant Figures 3 - Wollongong theme, 19 August,
7:00pm-8pmSignificant Figures 4 - Newcastle theme, 20 August,
7:00pm-8pmFor further information please contact:
Tom Gordon