
STEMpunk podcast is a non for profit and relies solely on sponsorship to keep producing episodes and we are looking for willing sponsors for the podcast.

We have already interviewed some great guests like Dr Katie Mack, Dr Karl, Dr Margaret Wertheim and Professor Brian Schmidt. As well as these interviews we have started a live podcast show series. 

The live shows are called STEMpunk quiz and is sort of like a mix between Spicks&Specks vs RockWiz, but with more Science. We have already run our first ever live show (the podcast is here). It was a lot of fun and we're doing it again on Tuesday July 19 and August Tuesday 16 as a Science Week event. The format of the show is like a panel quiz show where we ask Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths questions, and the winning team is awarded a prize.

The exposure we will attract from the STEMpunk quiz event in August as a part of the Sydney Science Festival will be very large and far reaching. 

We have three levels of support that we are offering.

  • Research Assistant ($250)
  • Project Lead ($500)
  • Chief Investigator ($1000).

This sponsorship will cover events, equipment and advertising/exposure and will help us look after our speakers and enrich the listeners experience and in general make the podcast a great success. This money will enable us to offer our speaker a humble thank you gift, cover costs and to help with promotion.

In return for the your support at the Research Assistant level, we can showcase the logo front and center on our homepage page and on every event page. At the Project Lead level, you are more than welcome to provide a banner on the live events and flyers and other promotions. The Chief Investigator level, you'll be invited to the show to have a stall, and/or be a guest on the podcast. The hosts will of course mention and thank your company at the events as well.

We offer also, very large exposure through the Sydney Science Festival, as we are running this event under that banner.

If you know of any groups or ogranisations that might be interested in sponsoring our show, please send this information to them.